Happy 20th Anniversary, Perfect Kirby!
Episode 1.3
1.1, 1.2, & 1.3 are all the same story. Please, watch all 3 so it makes sence.
The final part of episode one. This one has the hilarious fight scene with so many twists and turns, you'll want to view it over and over again. Richie had a little bit too much fun animating the blood, it squirts and drips everywhere. So, if you're one of the 0.47% who hate animated blood and violence, watch yourself. Hope y'all enjoyed this episode as much as we enjoyed making it. Richie almost went insane trying to finish animating this series with me nagging him day and night. I know the first two episodes were not the greatest, but this movie is the best one and it makes up for a lot. It WILL get better. Ideas are welcome for the upcoming episodes, although we already have many of them planned out. I'd like to thank my buddy Andy for letting us use his voice at the last minute and I hope he likes this series, too. Work has begun on Episode 2. The pink puff ball will return.
This was kind of fun animating, and I had a good time with the blood, but some viewers might be a bit squimish. There's even one scene that I find a bit disgusting... But if you thought the last episodes were boring, well, um.... I hope this one ain't... I'm gonna make more episodes, and from what I've learned by animating this episode, the next one will be much better.
I was gonna make another game... Would any of you like to play pong? ...Kirby Style...? If enough of you respond, I'll make one.
John & Richie-
Episode 1.3.swf
Dim: 550x400 pixels
Fr Rate: 12.0 fr/sec
Size: 2811KB (2878504 B)
Duration: 7076fr (589.7s)
Preload: 703fr (58.6s)
We didn't equip 1.3 with a game, so in place of it, we made some buttons on the right and left of the preloader with pages to read whilst you wait.
Reviews would be helpful.
Happy 20th Anniversary, Perfect Kirby!
Only Perfect Kirby Part 1 and 2 are rated T..
Perfect Kirby Part 3 is rated M
Okay, this is where I think you really started getting good. I mean, the other parts were fine, but this is entertaining. It's mostly because of the great jokes. I was confused at first as it seemed to end too abruptly. It ended up having more scenes and credits after that. I'm growing fond of that song too.
The best part was probably when John took over for animating. Link's appearance was great too. I still can't believe Joanna had yet to be introduced. Well, better animation would mean she'd be a lot hotter later anyway. The action was good too.
good but bad grahpics