Very funny man. yah the flash was bad but nice try cool.
Ok this is my first ever flash movie I use CS3 and I'm fairly new to all the concepts really. This isn't meant as spam I actually was tryin to make somethin funny. If anybody wants to be kind and help me out with my next project i'm great at making music for anything my graphic skills are good just not the animation part and my actionscript could use some work. Please post feedback too :)
Very funny man. yah the flash was bad but nice try cool.
thanks :)
Needs more actual animation!
You're not bad. The attention to detail on the scene itself was alright, with the shadows on the trees and such, highlights in the grass, etc. For a complete beginner, the voice-acting wasn't too bad either!
But seriously; there were about 10 different frames throughout the whole thing? :P Just doing little things with the animation, such as changing posture, having the character move about, changing facial expression as they go, and the mouth at least moving WITH the speech, would make this a lot better.
You're not bad; just a bit more effort! :3
Thanks for the feedback. the thing is i don't know too well how to make the animations or at least make them fluid.
Sick but awesome!
Awesome for a first flash my man. Great ending if I may say.
Haha thanks :)