um.. is this for real? cause im afraid it seems like a poorly planned joke.... Im sorry but that was horrible. and there's no way this could be a real Nintendo license...
This is my first flash movie i ever made (as you may notice) but i really like it and always wanted to upload a flash to newgrounds : )
thanks to "Cast" for converting this to a swf file for me
Cast you da man
For better quality go to my youtube version of it =] tch?v=-fFUAX6UN1w
um.. is this for real? cause im afraid it seems like a poorly planned joke.... Im sorry but that was horrible. and there's no way this could be a real Nintendo license...
"This account has been suspended due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube's policy against spam, gaming, misleading content, or other Terms of Service violations."
If you do make another one of these do not do that!
Nice concept
Animation; 6 / 10
Audio; 5 / 10
Content; 6 / 10
Okay the animation was not all that bad considering you made the animation from sprites. It was a little juddery in places and a little unclear as to who was who. Audio was my biggest problem in this animation. The music was way, way to over the top, you serously need to tone it down a little. Also the text was very difficult to read in places. I realise that this could be due to the convertion of the video into swf but it made it very difficult to know what the hell was going on! Content was the best part of this animation but I found that it was spoilt by the text.
Please sort out the text problem because overall it was not a bad animation, if you just sort out the text is could be a very respectable series.
All in all; 5 / 10
hard to read subtitles
most of em seem unreadable
yeah i had to lower the quality to upload it so......some text was ruined :{