big booty bitches
Big booty bitches.
big booty bitches
My opinion...
Not bad...
Thanks, I appreciate your review!
It's sad that this flash was way too short. You had me hooked and everything. The pieces were together, the music was well fitting, and the joke was good! I feel like you had something great going on but suddenly I was cut off from enjoying it.
Disappointing. Because this held so much potential to be a great flash. But because it was only a couple of seconds, I couldn't enjoy it. So I have to knock you down big time for it. If you extend it, this would have potential to reach very high scores.
I'm sorry for not making it lengthy enough. I was apprehensive of submitting due to that. I downloaded some clips, and set my goal to animate them all. I did, but then later realized is was too short. I'd already met my predetermined goal though, so I submitted anyways. I'm glad you liked it, and I'm glad you took the time to write a constructive review. Thanks so much.
I'm going to hate myself for this but...
..That was pretty goddamn hilarious.
I don't know why.
I don't know why either, man. Thanks for the review!