my thoughts...
animation:average-talented drawing (between the best and the worst)...3/10
first attempt: good...7/10
music choice(s):GREAT!!!!!...10/10
didn't like up to the title, but....... GREAT CHOiCE iN MUSiC!:3
This is my firts animated flash movie of master and commander i hop you enjoy it much :D i got higest grade on it.
my thoughts...
animation:average-talented drawing (between the best and the worst)...3/10
first attempt: good...7/10
music choice(s):GREAT!!!!!...10/10
didn't like up to the title, but....... GREAT CHOiCE iN MUSiC!:3
Not good really, kinda boring, BUT
It's your first animation! Try some different things out and spend a little more time thinking of ways to create something half decent that might reward you in the long run (a nice and enjoyable animation). I can't give you a point for storytelling but I can give you 2 for trying stuff out. There are much worse first time animations.
Gotta hand it to ya' for your effort, but it's a little bit bad. At least that's only training, right?
Practice a little bit more.
From Li'l Muszel