Heckuva lot more easy to understand than Equestria Online. That game runs a few days and then they shut it down before you have a chance to really do more than learn the controls. -_-
ok me and 2 others are making a MLP:FIM mmorpg im on GFX
and i have a coder and music maker so alls going smoothly heres a preview of work on the farm :P
Mapping still is a WIP
Also GUI is under construction as well
EDIT: our website
http://mlponline.freeforu ms.org/portal.php
Heckuva lot more easy to understand than Equestria Online. That game runs a few days and then they shut it down before you have a chance to really do more than learn the controls. -_-
eh i do better at sex mlp games xDD
wtf is thath
how he can do a skin and talk to apple jack
@ ApocalypseFox it is bits