Very smooth animation style.
Stylish presentation and overall flow to the animation. It's very smooth and well-synced with the song in my humble opinion.
Great work on this, Tyler.
This was a project for school I did last semester. I had a little less than two weeks to put this baby together. The criteria was experimenting with various typefaces and graphics set to a song of our choosing.
The opening graphic was somewhat based off of one of their t-shirt designs and the rest was an experiment by me.
Set to Family Force 5's Put Ur Hands Down, who owns this song (I don't, if that wasn't obvious).
done in flash/AE (large file size, my condolences).
Very smooth animation style.
Stylish presentation and overall flow to the animation. It's very smooth and well-synced with the song in my humble opinion.
Great work on this, Tyler.
thanks d00d
Great choice with the song. You coordinated everything really well to. I like how all the letter and words were different colors. This flash reminds me of the J.U.S.T.I.C.E's Dance video. I can tell youworked hard on this. Great Job! <3
I love the style. the song/band is a plus, you made the right choice.
i cant see what to improve on this so 10/10.
A misunderstanding twisted.
It took me a few rewrites to understand this song because at first, I took the music you chose, the wrong way. But after pondering it for some time, I realized the inner truth of the song, and that made your solid 10 outta ten, and 5 outta five. I'm not spoiling for the other people who may also misunderstand it. Excellent work.
Honestly, I didn't even think of how else this could be taken. I didn't mean it that way, but you can interpret however you'd like :)