I like Nobuo Uematsu
Well, that was splendid. I enjoyed watching this short work of yours. You should try to do some more of these with random acts of violence.
This is episode 3. Ep4 is in the works, and should make to be faily good.
**NOTE** This series is discontinued.
I like Nobuo Uematsu
Well, that was splendid. I enjoyed watching this short work of yours. You should try to do some more of these with random acts of violence.
Just another sprite movie. This had nothing to set it apart from the others.
Dude this movie is old as hell. This series is what I learned flash on.
i agree with the last guy
dude not bad. I think that it was an avrage job, keep up the good work.
well the
there basciallu wuz no point thati saw. music wuz great tho!!
*Cough* RIPOFF!!
Talk about major tweenage, there also doesn't seem to be any point. It also is a ripoff of megaman/ffx. I mean, the music was great, and u have to put it with a crap animation. Im sorry, blam this.
First of all, this is an episode of a series I'm currently working on, based on characters from my comic. It MIGHT ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE if you took the time to watch the two before you start critically judging something. And yeah, there are alot of tweens. How else are the characters to move? Teleport? Take the time to watch the other two and, like I said, this one will make a little more sense. It's made sense to the other people I've shown it to, who might I add have seen the previous two. Like I said in my first submission -- I can't rate up there with some of the best flash artists out there, but this is the best I can do, and this is a story I'm telling through these little sprite based Flash videos.