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SFII Anniversary Edition

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Feliz aniversario Street Figther II!!!
Esta animación la hice el mismo día del aniversario y creí que estaría lista para el mismo día (lo cual no fue así). Me tarde toda una semana haciendo esta animación, que es mi primera animación de color hecha y publicada. Al final logre el objetivo de hacer la animación bien y con las dos animaciones de Chun-Li (que según su cumpleaños es el 1 de marzo) y del aniversario del lanzamiento de Street Fighter II... (Aunque luego descubrí que se acerca el cumpleaños de Honda pero eso lo dejo, ya estoy cansado y no me agrada Honda).
Gracias Capcom por estos grandes juegos y franquicias, esperamos mas en un futuro no muy lejano.

Happy anniversary street fighter II!!!
I made this animation the same day as the anniversary and I thought it would be ready for the same day (but
it wasn't). I took all the week making this animation which is my first colored and published animation. In the end I made my goal of making the animation well, with the two animations of Chun-Li( her birthday is on the
1st of March) an the one of the anniversary of the launch of street fighter II (later I realized that the E. Honda
anniversary is near but I´ll leave it there. I'm tired and I don't really like Honda to much)
Thank you Capcom for this great games an franchises, we´ll wait for more coming soon in a very near future

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Animation look so smooth.But the only problem is that u have to work out on your drawing. Practice makes perfect!

More on the collection, plz!

Very great, but I'd suggest that you should try and add more animations in. Keep it up and you will be alright!

Made me grin.

Good job, but there's always room for improvement.

Credits & Info

3.23 / 5.00

Mar 8, 2011
10:00 PM EST