I bet there's a place for this stuff, but it sure ain't newgrounds.
w00t party party party
Just a little toon Max made ecpecially for XYNTA!
I bet there's a place for this stuff, but it sure ain't newgrounds.
no point to it.....
not even funny at all, i dont even know why you made it...
Neither ... Nor
Neither funny nor appropriate.
.....this really wasn't worth you posting. just because you had a bad animation of hitler dont make it politically incorrect. it just wasnt funny dude. maby try adding a joke??????
1.46? Really?
1.46? It isn't that bad, I mean yeah - it's not politically correct so that is a good enough reason to rate below average but still - try and have the a bit of humour and you will at the least find it JUST, JUST funny.
Just a note: I can't put things chronologically but the review score might be the sum of people rating badly just ('just' abuse) because it has Hitler in the title and may have some relevance to the Holocaust and the war and the bombings but most likely they didn't watch the damn thing.
Just for those who don't know and the author - it's 'Eiffel 65 - Blue'.