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Author Comments

Corey from DeadPixel Entertainment here, proud to present our second offering! REbounced was an idea that has been going around in my head for a while now. I haven't fully fleshed out the idea; if this game gets above a 3.0, I will be making a sequel with many more features. So if you want to see more, vote high! =)

Special thanks to John from Left at Home for making the music and doing the bulk of the testing. You'd be playing a half-broken game if it weren't for him! See his website at http://leftathomestudios.

Also, check out my temporary website, http://deadpixelent.blogs pot.com/


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Interesting concept, average execution.

This was "fun" for the first couple of lifes, but it got tedious. The concept is original, or rather i haven't come across it before (the "your bullets are your own worse enemy" idea"). But it was executed without prowess.

My other main gripe is that you couldn't shoot for yourself, I would much prefer to be able to press space or something and shoot bullets. The concept would still work with some tweaking if this was done. Also add some sound effects for when you shoot. Maybe different "shapes" for enemys, EG green squares, yellow triangles, just for a bit of variety.

Nice one and good luck!

Not good

Come on really? Good job but... just not good for newgrounds

Lethal bullets? I'm gonna die.

This is so much like a Wario Ware and Asteroids game that its fun to play maybe once or twice but that's it. Now if you added a crapload of health power-ups everywhere like in Gauntlet, you would definitely have a content score. I like the simplicity and challenge of the controls, I just wish I had a few seconds to gather my wits before I lost half my health trying to read the instructions! Lastly, consider borders for your all your characters (self and enemies) so I can figure which direction is the best to travel before losing health. I liked Asteroids on the Atari so I'm sure I'll like a future version of this game.


It's funny that when you shoot, you only make it harder for yourself.

The music was cool, that's for sure. Graphics were a bit simple I must say, you could have added some more to that. I also didn't like the automatic shooting. I think it's better to be able to shoot yourself, i.e. with a mouseclick.

Other than that, good game. I like the idea.

3/5, 7/10.

Credits & Info

1.00 / 5.00

Feb 28, 2011
12:47 PM EST