this animation is so bad
well after watching all of the other mvc3 parodies i've decided to release one of my own. and since my favorite character is deadpool i figured i'd animate him before anyone else tried to. anywayz I'm sure i'm going to get homepage for this so thx in advance. MARVEL VS CAPCOM 3 - DEADPOOL PWNZ
this animation is so bad
ongbak i see what you did there
Dude, this sucked something terrible. The animation quality was awful, the artwork was that of a 2nd Grade student, the only voice in it had a lack of emotion, and it had no business with MVC3 whatsoever. If anything at all, there are no redeeming qualities to this animation, and it should be put down like the disease-ridden mongrel it is.
I hope you're happy because u made us blind
W h a t w a s t h a t ? K i n d o f f u n n y t h o u g h .