Did most of the animation for this last year, but just finished it up these last few days. Story/character design all done by one of my friends, animated by me. Enjoy!
HD+Widescreen version on youtube; http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=UPKp9RMRNfs
That was great.
I was actually surprised, as the first reviewer said, there were multiple jokes of which I didn't expect. The animation when he was rubbing his hands was a bit off, but overall it was pretty good.
Nice job, I'd say.
Well done
Cute and zany. I liked it
Too long!
It's been awhile since I have seen a new submission from you. It just goes to show that you never lose your idea of being good at something. Did this really take you an entire year to do? Anyway, this was great because it was a great homage to classic Looney Tunes cartoons and other cartoon slapstick. The animation is really good and for being a goofy cartoon, all of the elements have quite a bit of depth to them. I admit that I was not expecting that ending.
There were a lot of things going on, like the seagulls flying. The best part of animation was probably when the rocket hit the moon in the beginning. While not very long, it is always nice to put in scene selection in. Even the music was a great tribute to classic slapstick! Congradulations on making something great after being gone from submitting stuff.
No no this didnt take me an entire year to do. I did most of the animation a year ago, then stopped, and came back to it a couple of days ago to finish it. I know, I'm being lazy :/
My Favorite of the Week
This is a flash anyone could be proud of. There were TWO jokes that I didn't expect, both of which were funny. The animation style seemed off in a couple of spots; if one concentrated, it was pretty easy to see what was drawn early on in the project. The character design was the highlight of the flash. You did a great job with the squirrel. Over the last few months, it seems like a lot of the top artists here are phoning it in, rehasing the same old same old. It's refreshing to see something different and unique. I don't vote 5 very often, but I did on this one. Congrats.
My only question is this: why was the little bugger taped to the rocket in the first place?
For science!