Poor kitty:(
Based on Real events. Expect a slew of cat related shorts, I'm inspired. Also I'm in dire need of sound-designed animations.
Happy Cat (name of the cat in question) Was dignified, and all around cool... she was also stubborn, No matter how many times someone tripped over her on the stair she would NEVER MOVE.
Poor kitty:(
the Stair sleeper, most nafarious of the Cat types i presume. We have 3 cats ourseves and none of them sleep on the stairs, but our Ragdoll mix will follow up the stiars, overtake you, then plop down on the stairs and roll on her back to get tummy rubs. Irritating to say the leaset. =3 but, becase they are who they are to us, we love them still!
haha this is cute!
Great short cartoon, cute and funny, and oh so true XD. I had a few cats and I know well of how stubborn they can be. Great work!