nice flash
I wonder if people really think they can disbelieve something away? Well I enjoyed the flash.
This is my latest flash animation created for the University of Dundee's Christian Union for their events week which is taking place this week.
The question asked is: "What if you're wrong?" and the theme for the week is "What if...?"
My first shot at Informative typography, following a speech by Richard Dawkins on the God Delusion
nice flash
I wonder if people really think they can disbelieve something away? Well I enjoyed the flash.
I liked most of the flash because I thought Richard Dawkins provided an excellent answer to the question, what if you're wrong. What I don't like is the the implied, BUT HE IS WRONG ABOUT CHRISTIANITY! At the end which I can safely assume I am not misinterpreting considering site linked is a Christian University.
I used Dawkins response because he didn't actually address the question, he simply flipped the question on itself and addressed what if gnostic people are wrong. But on those grounds surely he has more to lose if he's wrong, essentially.
EVRYONE IS WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i especially think ur wrong cus u used a song from linkin park
shame shame
*Because You Are Not A Muslim*
Aren't Muslims not allowed to see your video? or how can you assure nobody is Muslim?
Dawkins' assumes he is speaking to an american Christian. I'd love for Muslims to watch the video :)
Not Bad
It's kind of boring as a Flash. The song keeps looping at the end so when the flash is replayed it layers the songs and sounds kind of weird.
It's always interesting talking about religious philosophy though. The questions you brought up at the end weren't to thought provoking though.
If I knew the future I'd be rich.
If there was no law then there would need to be a general understanding amongst people living near one another and that would be the unspoken and unwritten law. But if there was no law of that sort either then Humans would act in chaos towards one another until populations thinned out and harmony could be established or until everyone killed eachother.
If the bible isn't fiction I'm fucked, but God should understand and still let me in to heaven because he is all forgiving and loving.
(Kingdom Hearts much?) If this is all a dream then it's a decent dream, and then I wonder what my dreams are. Real life? if so real life is soooooo much better, lol
If I'm not alone then that's good...Because I believe I'm not alone already, lol
If gravity didn't exist there would be no order in the universe and probably no life forms that we can comprehend, if any.
If today is my last then peace out homies. I lived a decent life, but I wish I could've lived longer.
If I was never born then I wouldn't be writing this review.
If the bible was the truth look at above comment "If bible were fiction"'s the same question, wth...?
Essentially the questions at the end were simply to build up to "What if the bible is truth" But thanks for your response, nice to see some views on the questions.