grusome but sweet...
and thus awsome, after all, that's what art is all about...
and valentines...
and love...
slightly more seriously, this thing is so many things at once, from funny, to (insert adjective here), good job
This is a short thing I whipped up only today. I really should have started making it earlier, but I guess it's better than waiting for next year, aye?
O ,sfr yjod ejo;r yjomlomh snpiy s hot; ejp ntplr ,u jrsty/ Djr esd s [duvjov smf jrs;rt. smf vitrf ,u fr[trddopm/ Ejrm djr ;rgy. yjr [som esd yto[;rf sd O jsf yp vp[r eoyj jrstyntrsl. ,u tryitmomh fr[trddopm. smf eoyjftses; gtp, jrt rmrthu/ Sd s trdi;y. I lrgy dvjpp;. dyp[[rf tpvl v;o,nomh. smf dystbrf ,udr;g gpt s errl/
Okay, thinking about a certain someone while I made this sent me into one of my moods... It wasn't until after I uploaded this until I realized it's impossibly cheesy. Please sympathize.
grusome but sweet...
and thus awsome, after all, that's what art is all about...
and valentines...
and love...
slightly more seriously, this thing is so many things at once, from funny, to (insert adjective here), good job
:s What do I say to that?
Okay I guess...
Nice animating, but crappy ending
Thank you. I agree.