thats a good one
I cant go back to fix it so here you go enjoy
thats a good one
my dreams are always in color i can even think in my dream and can point out colores to myself
Fish animation was awesome
wow, the fish animation was great, I really liked that part best! and the eyes opening at the end. the fall off the cliff could have been more graceful--the person becomes an obscure blob a little too soon. I imagine that would be very hard to animate though. the part where the bird turns into a big orb, or the sun or whatever, that was awesome too. this is inspiring and poetic. I enjoyed it.
If it were me I would have made the text move a bit smoother at the end, since the rest of the piece is so smooth and the music is so gentle. maybe have the text fade to white at the end too, and choose a silkier more gentle looking font-- that's just me though
God I love that fish part though, under water with the bubbles and everything...awesome, really awesome.
thanks lol :D
It's a short...
It has so much going for it. Smooth animation and transitions with appropriate music! It's just, well, not finished... (IMO)
The water Part was very neat and I thought was the best part of the whole Thing.
Work on making it longer, or stopping it lol.