Just as boring as last years
I can run one play on offense over and over again, it always nets me positive yards and I get a TD. Defense is just luck particularly against the pass. This is just to simple to be any fun
Get ready for the Super Bowl with 4th and Goal 2011! Like the original, this game was developed with input from current players, coaches, and former professional football players. There are no punts! In this year's edition there are more runs, more passes, and play action plays. You can intercept the ball, or cause fumbles by making BIG HITS!
Tip: Use the space bar for BIG HITS on defense, and for spin moves on offense. You can block or intercept the ball on defense.
Have fun!
Just as boring as last years
I can run one play on offense over and over again, it always nets me positive yards and I get a TD. Defense is just luck particularly against the pass. This is just to simple to be any fun
how about some difficulty?
This game is so easy, yet so fun. All you have to do is run the ball diagonally, and you're almost guaranteed to score. It is a good game, but there is so much room for improvement. So far as animation is concerned, it definitely looks pretty. But the actual gameplay has many holes. For example, the ability to switch players on defense would make this game a whole lot better. Also, the differences in the difficulty levels are simply massive. Winning in Hard equates to constant run-plays while mashing down the space bar to avoid tackles. This game has a lot of appeal as a simple football game, but loses it's appeal after one 5 minute scramble.
ok i really liked it
but when you are moving two directions at once, ie at an angle, you runner moves too quickly, to properly set the speed, you must multiply the normal running speed by .7071 when running at angles (only works for 45 degree angles but thats all there is here). Hope you can appy this to the next one.
good game