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CC Success Stories Vol 2

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FF Day 25

Meet our new friend.. Portfolio Clock!!!

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well, great, too!

another great movie by you, really, keep doing those ''success storie'' flashes, it's really funny! i digged the part where he said ''his sister was a pain in the a$$ ''
hahahahaha! so funny! and the part of pineapple saying: ''man, this guys talks alot!!''
and ''i gotta go to the toilet, soon..'' hahaha so funny!
keep doing those, pop-tart, i dig those, and there's alot of material to add in this.
also the music, i love it! (the credit's music).

Welcome aboard!

I've probably said this but I'm glad the CC is making a comeback to Newgrounds. I guess you can say it's like a new generation kind of thing huh? Hahahaha. Well, here's to a great return!


I liked this one :D

Credits & Info

3.56 / 5.00

Jan 25, 2011
11:55 PM EST