Well, Are you sure I want to hear this crap!? I dont think so! <---Those are the best lines in your video, By the way...that was a monologe? or something like that?...whats the point in this?
Well, Are you sure I want to hear this crap!? I dont think so! <---Those are the best lines in your video, By the way...that was a monologe? or something like that?...whats the point in this?
This is bad
Wow maybe I missed the point of this, but my opinion is that it is bad! You made a nice drawing of the guy tho. But thats all.
Maybe I dont get the point. 1 star sorry.
I dont get it
What is it supposed to be? Is it part of something more or is this it? I mean, the animations are okay for what it is, but it isn't really all that much. The lip Syncing is alittle jumpy but for the most part alright. And the barking dog... idk what it is, but id like to see more done with it.