so amazing.
Wow this video is so amazing I could cry.. oh wait, i did.
The many many hours put into it was worth it, wasn't it!
Thanks to you I'll be getting an A+ ;]
This is an animation presentation I did for my sister's school project. It took me two days with a 12 hour all nighter. The voices are done by Minkemoo as bacteria (who also came up with the story-boarding and story, Liza C as antibiotics, and Jessie F as the hot chick. Hope you enjoy!
so amazing.
Wow this video is so amazing I could cry.. oh wait, i did.
The many many hours put into it was worth it, wasn't it!
Thanks to you I'll be getting an A+ ;]
Mmmm Informative...
I probably will study microbiology so this will be pretty usefull (XD), Fine. Its a nice work, simple animation, acceptable voice actors, and Is an educcative film so I will give it an 8.
So from where it stops, I'm expecting the thing to just murder he with a weapon, or to do the WTF explosion and kill her.
Aside from that crossing my mind, so far it's been alright. It's pretty fuzzy, so it may have something to do with the converter you used, seeing as it caused other issues too. (like your author comments said) So it's not something I'll hold against you.
All in all, sound was fine, no horrible mic problems and the voices were well balanced. The art style was, well, mediocre at best, but whatever. The graphics for the :diagramish" things were nice. I assume the 2nd part will hold more information, to which I look forward to viewing.
Haha thanks. Yeah the conversion made the quality bad, and the art style was supposed to look kind of mediocre. :P I'm trying to get the second half up
lol totaly good *coughcoughbiased* review
Hail the power of NITROGEN!!!! All life dependeth on thy NITROGEN!!! Sorry I am obligated to do that.... Well done i have no complaints about these fact and the animation was fine.
Hmm Its a good educational flash, quite cute but I felt the music doesn't quite fit the video lol what has it got to do with "first love" and it replays over and over again, should stop and not loop :D