I liked it.
It had very good art. The music wasn't too tasteful and the humor took a minute to process but overall it was a good try.
Super mus helps out in the community and finds a man loosing his arm and tries to help out but the Burke fails the resident hero.
I liked it.
It had very good art. The music wasn't too tasteful and the humor took a minute to process but overall it was a good try.
it was funny
your movie is funny but sometimes takes a second viewing to understand what is happening.
i think you need to give super mus a way to express herself.
if super mus cannot speak you should try to show her intent through poses and body expressions. at least more so than when she leaps to the rescue from the bus stop.
a thing that might confuse people in this cartoon is that she cannot see the man with broken arms, passing by. but then we see through her eyes at the coming obstacle. how can this be? how did the burke lift and then drop for the horse?
the thing that might help most is to set the scene. let us know what kind of place super mus lives/works in so the action that happens will be funnier when it happens.
also, the ending might confuse people. it was well constructed, leading from the stoning to the guy reading the butt magazine. but, this leaves us wondering what happened to the man. if we never find out about him at least let us know what happens to super mus. does she make it to the bus on time?
roughly, this is how i see this cartoon:
art 6/10
animation 6/10
story 4/10
humor 6/10
i've seen worse...
the art itself was good however, the entire thing could be done better. first off the animation wasn't great, not bad, but not great. secondthe music was nice, if a bit redundant, and there wasn't really a story to speak of.however the worst part of this in my opinion would have to be the camera angles you chose. it seemed like you set up your shots perpously to either break up continuity (like the transition from super mus running past the man whose pained cries caused her to leap into action in the first place to her running down an ally) any way you show promise, i just don't know how this wound up on the front page...
People are such fucking animation whores on this site.
"Oh it's not smooth enough", "Oh, the quality could have been better", "Where is the masterpiece of a story?"
You ranting about the quality of something you don't like isn't going to change anything. Art comes in different forms, and not all of it is polished like a fucking diamond. Anyone who really, REALLY dislikes this can go to hell.
Do you think you can do better? I would like to see.
wat the hell was that