The music was good and the drawings were really neat. I liked the surprise ending :D
This is my first upload. Hope you like it.
EDIT: My main issue, as people pointed out, is the FPS. Unforutunately this was a piece of coursework and thefore, I had time constraints. Ideally i'd have done about twice the frames, but due to time, I couldn't. Excuses, i know :P
The music was good and the drawings were really neat. I liked the surprise ending :D
dirty work.
i really liked the drawings in this, because they were so simple but they looked really good.. i liked the way you showed the character from different camera angles aswell, it looked really good! i only thought maybe you could have put a little bit more detail into the facial expressions. but overall, good! well done :)
i liked this very much! concept and story wise.
i like the animation style also, but it needs a bit more frames.
That was a good movie especially for your first. i liked the twist in the plot. i guess one of the biggest things that could be improved would be your fps.
i get it now
he's drug fucked. he hears dark menacing beats that aren't there. HE embraces that sexy animilistic view that cast distertions upon those grey pines that blossom before the cold. I mean winter. soooooooooooo did you watch the game last night?