haha, i thought it was funny takin a shot at the bat and all.
I challenged myself to make an animation in four hours and I ended up successful. I hope you get a laugh from it...
haha, i thought it was funny takin a shot at the bat and all.
epic i dont get it but eh it made my day some how :D>?>?>?>:>>?>>>L>:?>>L>>?>?:>>??F/.>
i made a puzzle try and find fuck in it :D SPAM:LL::LL:LL::LL::nana eat a cracker white cracker eat a dick white whiner <:L
I could use some cocaine right now.
Go back to 4chan so they can call you a fag.
lol whats 4chan?
The only reason I looked at this movie was because of the mini-pic and it has nothing to do with this flash, get a hold of yourself.
Oh no! What shall I do!? Are you saying that I haven't met with your standards!??? Please excuse me while I cry myself to sleep in the cold corner. You're making it very difficult for me to get a hold of myself :CCCCC