not good
it was so boring knuckles punches gohan punches knucles punches and that same thing all the video it was so boring even in battle there is a story it seems like gohan and knuckles are punching bugs
espaƱol:otra pelea que subo aqui espero queles gusto un saludo
english:another fight that I upload here I hope you like a greeting
not good
it was so boring knuckles punches gohan punches knucles punches and that same thing all the video it was so boring even in battle there is a story it seems like gohan and knuckles are punching bugs
Very good!!
though it would've been better if some stuff wasn't repeated!
Nice fast paced action
No esta nada mal mennnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD te pongo 8 porque quieros er realista. tu unico error fue acercar demasiado la camara.
i love the scenes and how u construct that but the graphics..awful!!! loved him making teh ball and making energy ....but graphics were bad srry...
man that graphics are all 2D sprites are also'm just starting with the effect mugen so if you do not like men because I feel