Pretty funny.
I could'nt understand some of the words. Try not to yell so much into the mic. But other then that it was amusing and fun to watch. I can't wait for part 2 to come out!
Update 2\28\05 - Wow, this thing is really still on here. Alot has happened to the original production crew (you know: college, work, military academies. normal stuff) There will be some time coming up when we can work on this and rest assured we will. Summer is a long time so we can probably make #2. This time it'll be even better. Same humor, better animation, and even a *GASP* preloader. Next time will be better, so don't stop loving us...
And another thing: How exactly does one get one's submition on the collection page? I have no idea, but if I did, I certainly would try. 10 scoops of raisins to whoever can tell me how to get this haas into the collection. I'll add a preloader before it goes of course.
This episode makes fun of Yu-gi-Oh. The thing Megaman gets out of the water-cooler is the Millenium Puzzle. It transforms yugi into post-pubescent Yugi, and Megaman into X.
Pretty funny.
I could'nt understand some of the words. Try not to yell so much into the mic. But other then that it was amusing and fun to watch. I can't wait for part 2 to come out!
awesome but..........(LOL i said butt)
when the crap r u gonna make a number 2 u lazy faggot
graphics 10- i dont no wat the heck graphics are
style 10 - you draw better then me
sound 10-VERY loud:)
violence 9-does destroying zero count?
interactivity 0- no play button or credits button
humor 10-i almosted peed my pants
overall 5-i reallllly really really want to see #2!
This was funny. The only part that remeinded me of the old guy from Family Guy was when Yugi said "gasp, you have the peice of the millenium puzzle". However the rest of the movie made me laugh. So I hope to see the second movie.
okay...not bad.
one thing that needs work is those voices,other than that it's fucking funny,espelially when the yu-gay-ho bashing,very good stuff!!! p.s.,yu-gi-oh sucks!!!
It's been a while since I've seen this and it still makes me laugh. It does need a loading bar though. Hurry up and finish the second one.