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As I Lay Dying!

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Join Teale and Christie as a regular hike turns into an epic adventure in this unique game inspired by William Faulkner's classic novel. This is the latest game by Teale Fristoe, creator of Arachnophilia.

A or J - Move Left
D or L - Move Right
W or I - Jump
S, K, or SHIFT - Pickup/Drop
Q or U - Select Item
Spacebar - Use/Eat
Mouse - hold to charge, point to aim, release to throw
0 (zero) - Restart Level
5 - Reload Save
ESC - Pause

Need help? There is a walkthrough link in the pause menu and on the minimap screen.

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Hardly worth it.

A great, very interesting premise that got wasted on howlingly bad controls (this *could* have been be forgiven, as this is 7 year old flash) but that difficulty curve over the roof that completely ruins experience. Most of that difficulty wasn't even needed (much less forgivable). Coupled with 7 year old not very responsive controls, you get a bad experience overall.

The excessive difficulty made me quit the last level. After checking the walkthrough, I was certain that the last level isn't even worth playing anyway.

A tip: Playing your own games isn't a good way to test them. Consider sending earlier copies to friends and relatives (those who are into gaming at least) so they can test before release, and value their feedback. There isn't enough common sense in the world to tell you that that last level isn't even remotely fair nor funny. If you did so for a different target audience, you should have explained that - and expect them to give you better reviews.

At least music is okay.


It is a good concept, but it feels almost as if it was never tested before you posted it up on Newgrounds. It is incredibly annoying how much damage anything causes to the corpse, and when you have to leave it alone for any length of time, birds attack it. And it degrades fassssst. The difficulty feels off because of this, several levels are much harder than they need to be.


Although, I thought this had to do something with Metal... (the band, lol)

Great game =P

Tons of fun

Who would have though that lugging the corpse of your loved one can be so much fun. Good job with the game, music is great too. :)

Cute game. Eck controsl.

I gave you a high rating because the game deserves to get through judgement. It is a neat game. However, I hate the controls.

Credits & Info

3.68 / 5.00

Dec 20, 2010
12:31 PM EST