I guess as an ecology assignment, this is acceptable.
I like the salt on the snail idea. And, I thought the "censor blur" was humorous.
Decent artwork and animation.
9th grade?! I wish we had this stuff when I was in school...
This is for my grade 9 ecology assignment, and I got an A+ so I decided to put it up.
I guess as an ecology assignment, this is acceptable.
I like the salt on the snail idea. And, I thought the "censor blur" was humorous.
Decent artwork and animation.
9th grade?! I wish we had this stuff when I was in school...
Pretty Cool
The song was okay, but I've heard it so much, it's getting old.
Anyway, the artwork was good, although you should've used more frames.
The length of the video was maybe a little too long for a video like this.
No offense, but I don't think too many people will finish it.
Also, congrats on that A+ you got yourself thar. ;D
Seeing that you made this is 9th grade for a project, GREAT! That's awesome!
The music is amazing, although the annimation, not so much