I dont get it. Is this supposed to be some moral to the story? My guess: Too much fun can rip a hole in space. GODDAMN IT WHERE ARE THE RAGTIME GUYS GOING?!
Colourful orgy
EDIT (28/12/2010) - Wow, a 2.53 score? Cool.
EDIT (07/01/2011) A 3 score *Almost*? I love you.
I dont get it. Is this supposed to be some moral to the story? My guess: Too much fun can rip a hole in space. GODDAMN IT WHERE ARE THE RAGTIME GUYS GOING?!
lol Too cool but I dont understand it. YAAAAAAY.
Colourful orgy
LoL wtf?
wtaf going there ???? the happines destory the world?? LAL
Everything you see here is in my imagination.
moral: much happines can destroy the world
I think it can lal.