Hmm... I'm going to need to watch the rest
Well, it's certainly dramatic and loud. There are parts there that need better animation, (What's with the marshmallow with the upside down face?) and while the 3D was good, it didn't really set me up for a massive expression of me being in love with the series (yet) Great work on that part, Battosai!
When it started, I was presented with the poser of "Hmm, those Roman Numerals are wrong" and while I was mulling over that, it all went to shit and the ship had a hole blown in the side of it. Don't these people know what energy shields are?! But I digress. It's probably in there for a reason and the graphically detailed entrail spread, while quite close the the epicentre and not very charred, considering a plummet from orbit was a nice touch.
Perhaps you would consider subtitles for the hard of hearing, since some of the voices were a little difficult to get a handle on and as a result, I was hampered with trying to work out the plot. Granted, some of this was my fault, for entering at episode 6, as opposed to episode 1, but that should be remedied soon, I feel.
[Review Request Club]