Funny, but...
Okay. The classical music is perfect for the type of comedy (IE: slow-motion nutshot), and this type of comedy is very appealing. However, there are things that you need to work on.
First, you need to add a LOT more frames. As it is, this isn't slow-motion, it's just really choppy. There also seems to be some kind of weird skipping. Is it just my Flash player, or is it the Flash itself?
Second, make sure the music is absolutely synchronous with the animation.
Third, improve the character's movement. This may be a matter of practice, or just more effort. As it is now, he doesn't move much.
Finally (and this is the one I feel the worst about criticizing), keep working on your artwork. Most people, if not all, do tend to judge a book by its cover, as it were.
Start by drawing freehand. Even if you suck at drawing and even if it's just a bunch of rough circles, it's still better than auto-generated lines and shapes (did you make them in Paint?). Then, make the room look more like a room. Remove the purple, add a couch and a lamp or something, and a colour that looks more like it could be painted on a wall.
This has potential, but it's not done yet.