Loved it a lot! The voice was a little scratchy but great!
I'm still not sure how to make proper preloaders so just hang in there as it loads..
Well, two weeks, and then this came out. I needed so much more time.
Our project was to tell any story we wanted, and to give like a pitch for it. I ended up working with a friend of mine for a story that ended up being this one. I feel like i needed a lot more time for this, but two weeks is whatever.
Next project is going to be a continuation of this, with a tablet and a better microphone this time around.
:D and I'm going to have more time to do it.
Loved it a lot! The voice was a little scratchy but great!
It was good i guess not amazing but i still liked it my only complaints is that your voice even though it sounds cool is kinda blurry i can tell what your saying but its hard sometimes. If it was longer woulda been better i can understand your style of drawing too, it looks pretty cool, but im looking forward to seeing a better improved longer continuation. nice job anyway. (:
thanks for the feedback :D
Voice of awesomenss!
I really love the voice and the way the story is been told. But as Gamekrazzy says, maybe a bit more animations, no need to be too advance but maybe drawn bakgrounds that fades and changes. :)
Very interesting otherwise, hope to see more and not to mention, to hear THIS voice again! :D
Thanks man, Ill prepare my throat to grunt again.. :D
honestly.... the animation could have been better... but it made me laugh... in all mind set it made me think of cave drawings... I also see you used tweens in this... very well use of them at that... Anyways... I like the idea, please keep at it.
"Ice mountain in the middle of the desert." lol. Awsome. 8/10
Thanks, I feel as if I had more time I wouldve been able to put effort into the animations, but my next project def will have that. Thanks for the feedback :D