Great show, as always.
Hah! I get it! Mechanicalruin's review, that is; he/she said "vote five (the word "vote" could be interpreted either as the vote system that goes from 0-5 or the rating system that goes from 0-10, but in his/her attempt to be witty, he/she forgot to notice the clearly marked "vote" on the left hand side of the page, and the clearly marked "rating" for which he/she scored a 5) and right a review ("right", as in "correct" a review, not to actually "write" one)". Get it? Well played. Of course, as mentioned earlier, you did miss the distinction between the "vote" and "rating" feature.
Now, based on the animation itself. I enjoyed it, as I have all of the Icons videos. But, when compared to previous titles, this one seems a little... lacking. Still a great video, but the witty humor just wasn't in it this time. I hope the "finale" in the title doesn't mean that this is the last Icons video we can hope to see. I'm really hoping to see a seventh episode some day. At any rate, good luck with your endeavors, Treeman; here's hoping to see your work again.