Its ok
Its ok...
I cant say a lot...
Its pretty interesting... but... I dont know...
this is my most recent animation so far, the setup for this is i use cinema 4d to make a 3d scene, then i use my own materials and light setups to make the final render appear the way it does. after the image has the look i'm going for i then animate the 3d model. i personally enjoy infinite loop animations, so thats what i usually do and what i did here. after i have all my images i import them to flash and make a little continuing movie out of them
Its ok
Its ok...
I cant say a lot...
Its pretty interesting... but... I dont know...
Not my thing
Its not my thing but if you like it ok.
Nice animation
This is exactly the way I would make it look (If I had omnipotent power), when I destroy the planet and all it's inhabitants.
Yeah, just funn'in. ;P
Nice Graphic...the sound is a bit scratchy though.
Pretty cool
My eyes hurt now though...