if movie remakes of video games are horrible, lets try our luck with books.
the reason i gave this a 7 is because the voice work was very sketchy ( not meaning to bitch about it ) but i thought it was funny.
lol this is just a last minute english project where i had to make a commercial for our reading book.
the teacher meant commercial as in speacking in front of class and talk about the book.
BO-RING! (ring-a-ling)
i wanted to spice it up a bit.
don't expect grat art and quality sound because this has been finished in under 4 hours.
its more for the voice acting and my own sense of so called humor.
i won't expect this to be in the front page.
enjoy guys!
if movie remakes of video games are horrible, lets try our luck with books.
the reason i gave this a 7 is because the voice work was very sketchy ( not meaning to bitch about it ) but i thought it was funny.
don't worry i needed to get better at voice acting anyway. i needed the practice :P
better to do something than nothing you know right?
btw thank you for giving me a higher than expected rate. i really thought this was one of those that can get to "shit of the week"
That hurt... like really fucking bad. Get some better VA for the next... please
like i said, last minute english project.
don't worry bud, none taken :)