I laugh everytime Nick says that ^_^ ahhhh memories God job dude
I made this video for my first hexmester(6 week) project, I had to present this to a group of business people from different companies, along with several other groups of sophomores to get the best grade. My team lost because the business people didn't find it appealing, though we were informed that the video was suppose to be for new arrivals coming into the academy, mostly eight graders. We got a B, and yes this is a real academy, but I think it is only for Spruce Creek High School in Port Orange, Fl, for now, because this a new thing that started this year.
I laugh everytime Nick says that ^_^ ahhhh memories God job dude
the end was funny, but so true....
I liked it
I thought it was okay for your level, about a year from now if you keep this up, it will be frontpaged someday :)
- J