Nice description
you stalking an 11-year old online? wouldn't surprise me. I'd think you'd go even younger than that.
The Trash Troupe is celebrating its first anniversary today, thus a brand new shitty flash has been made to celebrate the great gods among men.
SONG - AMAZING by INNA (friscos mix)
How did [TT] start? Last September, I left the Barney Bunch, leaving behind the SwellBarney identity, to form something bigger. Or rather, in reality, my ex-girlfriend dumped me in one of the harshest manners possible due to a rumor of me stalking an 11 year old girl online (which was complete bullshit) and i got kicked out of the barney bunch over barneypoop throwing one of his legendary temper tantrums [that and possibly me overreacting due to my gf leaving me] (even at one point threatening to ban me over "derp", whether it would be a three-day or permaban is unknown). oh, and yes, i know whom started and spread that rumor. and oh yeah, until recently, my ex blocked me online. yeh.
[TT] has uploaded 30-40 spam flashes under both [TT] and [TG/TT] names (a majority of flashes were deleted when Heap Houlf hacked my old account TheHeap), including our Stupid Collab series, with flashes by Kitty Krew and Sesame Street Gang members.
I also created the legacy of Crapsnake, a craptastic religion bent on telling people to Vote 5 on flashes by [TT].
I would flood the rest of the commentary, but I am too lazy.
Nice description
you stalking an 11-year old online? wouldn't surprise me. I'd think you'd go even younger than that.
Not Enjoyed
I think the only reason that I watched through the whole thing was because the music was very catchy. Thats it. Maybe this genre of flash just is not for me and maybe I am jsut missing some big inside joke but I do not get it.