THIS is for your dog?
That annoying techno music and whoever the fuck that guy is does not mean that this is for your dog!
I really love him, I can't believe he's gone so I went ahead and made this for him... This is his story.
One day Kimberly was out for a Mid afternoon walk. Our Oldest
Child had just Celebrated her 3rd Birthday at McDonalds the day
before. It was August 1998. Our Son was only 6 months old and
was in his stroller. Well This Beautiful Dog started following
behind, He followed all the way to the house. Kimberly sat down
on the front steps and that Dog just laid down beside her like he
was at home. Kimberly got up to go in the house and the dog got
up and stopped at the door as if to say, Cant I come in too. So
Kimberly opened the door and that dog just wondered in and laid
down. Upon inspection We Noticed that the pads of his feet
where very sore and cut like he had been walking a long time. We
placed ads in the local paper. But no one ever called. And So he
stayed. The vet at the time said he believed Rusty Dog to be
around 4 years old. Well the Kids are growing up pretty quickly
and Last year in April 2008 Rusty was not feeling very well so we
took him to the vet for a check up and we where told to take him
home and feed him steak.
Apparently there was a tumor in his chest, the outlook not good. But there is A Ray of Sunshine at the
end of my story. Rusty Dog who was to the best of our Knowledge 16 years of age, he will be missed and he will never be replaced...
THIS is for your dog?
That annoying techno music and whoever the fuck that guy is does not mean that this is for your dog!
Fuck you asshole you probably fuck your cat.