of course not peeandpoo because that did not look like a zombie at all
Destructo Box
"Beard Of The Damned"
Joey and Phil find themselves in a hairy situation after the discovery of a mysterious relic sheds some light on a long lost satanic legend.
Happy Halloween!
Guest Voice Travis Betz
Music by Alex Clark
EDIT: Thanks for the Front Page and for all the views/reviews!
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of course not peeandpoo because that did not look like a zombie at all
Is Sir Pigeon Steve dead?
Well, here's another one I didn't stumble across yet! Anyway, this is a very funny cartoon. I like how the one guy (yes, I forgot his name) still has his lack of chest pimples. It's rare such a silly cartoon has continuity. The voices and the animation were as great as ever. I loved seeing that naked worm guy get hit at the beginning. I think this may be your longest cartoon yet.
I had no idea we were going to get an evil beard from an evil axe. I guess most lumberjacks had beards. It was a tad anti-climatic, but still very nicely done. It's great to see how earnest these characters are. I wish you'd make more!
the beard can chock him.but is nice
what nobody actauly knows is
the cure to zombies is holy water