Rhino was wearing a speedo i think. the other wasn't Rhino was kissed on the cheek. it was cute.
nice job
I was going to replace this video with a fan Music video of the Bear Necessities but that might disfigure my hatred towards Disney and it was very complicated.
First appearance of an armless black girl. She's also the first to kiss Rhino in newgrounds.
The last thing they did was not what they usually do. It's just they want to immitate Inspector Gadget.
Rhino was wearing a speedo i think. the other wasn't Rhino was kissed on the cheek. it was cute.
nice job
This is cute,but how come they don't talk?
I loved it, especially when it started playing inspector gadget. The artwork could be better but I still quite enjoyed it, keep up the work.
Solid Flash
I was a little thrown off by the visual style at the beginning (MS-Paintish), but the shorts were really funny (especially the Market one), and the sound quality was a lot better than many flashes. Keep up the good work!
I can see there were a LOT of tweens used here, especially shape tweens...