God has sent this message to me..Now i must share it with all of you
Warning!!! what god has too say is mind altering so you may not wana watch this.
you spent 45 minutes making THIS!!!!
i hope this gets deleted because this isnt any good and it repeats as well
Wow,Another comment removed this shows how pathic you people on Newgrounds are.
I am christian and I find this extremely offensive. You shouldn't joke about God.
Onto my review: the sound is awful and headache-inducing, and for the graphics we have... a couple of pictures. That's it. Seriously, why did you even submit this?
I WARNED YOU "what god has too say is mind altering so you may not wana watch this" Obviously you thought i was screwing around when i wrote this.
...As for the Flash someone must of liked it or it would not have passed judgement.
what we have here....
is a flash with no redeeming quality's.
no story, bad graphics, horrid music.
we know you can do better
and why didnt you bother to put this under spam?
Hey there's no need too be rude, i wasted 45 minutes on this show some respect.