I like it!
I like it!
Really great
Love the Kami Hami Ha that the blue stick man use's XP
HEVY MACHEEN GUN ( Or, Assult Rifle )
It is a brawl with no purpose, just to practice animating certain weapons with sticks. Unless you're going to submit something more lengthy and powerful than a loop of three weapons over and over I would suggest going to Fluidanims . com
It is a site dedicated entirely to stick animation and can help you get better quickly with it's quick and simple tutorials written by it's dedicated staff, on top of that they really like seeing things like this and it's quick and easy to get good critique through the forums they have there
The only real complaint I have is that the Green stick sometimes blended with the background making it hard to see him otherwise, it was to simple and nothing really caught my eye.
In my opinion you need something a little crazier, make that stick have super attacks with each weapon or hell even combine each weapon. Go nuts, that's whats so lovely about animation is the thoughts you can set loose.
Get creative.
um im on fluidanims lol.
Really, I don´t know why, but I like too much this kind of videos, great job dude!