Not too shabby
Better than my 10/10/10 project! You did a nice job in completing this in about eight hours. What else could I say? So a star for every hour you've worked on it, 8 out of 10.
A quick tribute to Tenten, in honor of the date 10-10-10. Tenten is a character from the manga/anime Naruto.
Done in like, 8 hours. A ton of shortcuts were taken, and when I have the leisure I'd like to touch it up and add a bit more oomph to this.
Not too shabby
Better than my 10/10/10 project! You did a nice job in completing this in about eight hours. What else could I say? So a star for every hour you've worked on it, 8 out of 10.
Very good
The starting animation was pretty good and the draqings were very cool. The reason i give you a 9 is because this flash is very short. Also, her name is Tentei, not Tenten.
Why not?