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Thermoplastique: TheGame2

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Author Comments

You asked for it. You get the newest Longboard2live game with bonus features.

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The entire 'game' consists of a crappy song and spacebar to keep an icon on-screen.

I simply have nothing to say, there's nothing else I can possibly mention, besides the obvious utter lack of gameplay, technique, variation, or interest at all.

This is NOT worthy of a submission. Please try again.

If you wish to receive better reviews & ratings, try adding actual content, that will at least capture someone's attention longer than half-a-second.

longboard2live responds:

My genius is better than anything you'll ever make in your life.

Either broken, or garbage

If it's only supposed to play music and have your 'character' fall off of the screen unless you hold space bar, good job on making a bad game. Otherwise, it's broken, because all it's doing is playing music, and the character just sinks offscreen if I don't use space bar to 'float' it back up.

longboard2live responds:

The game is genius.

Credits & Info

1.97 / 5.00

Oct 4, 2010
8:44 PM EDT