Blackbeard themed flash. Graphics feel more like a comic strip due to the lack of animation. You should make this longer and make more successful.
This was made on 6/23/02, and I am only the nineteenth person to review it.
this is the new version with better buttons.
Blackbeard themed flash. Graphics feel more like a comic strip due to the lack of animation. You should make this longer and make more successful.
This was made on 6/23/02, and I am only the nineteenth person to review it.
Well it was a nice choice based game, but it would've been much better if you had some more endings where you didn't end up dead, or had some code that actually detected if you had gotten the map or not. As it is, people will ask you for the map for no reason, and will try to coax you out of something you don't have, just an odd oversight.
The good ending is rather easy to get, could be better if you needed to meet more conditions along the line.
Good Game
So this was a good "STORY" like game I love how you gave some different "OPTIONS" you should make this longer with even more wider selection of options and choices the "ART" was notbad either a classic old game but was still pretty fun, Hope one day you make more of these they are fun even if they are a classic.
you should make this longer with even more wider selection of options and choices
Nice Game
Keep it up.
some updating and i beat that could reach the user choice of the week! loved it