Nice colours, Bad game
here is a poorly contrived, generic platformer, whose sole catch is hallucinogenic effects- which have all been seen many times before, and executed rather well in other titles. leaving only a flat slippery platformer.
maybe the running and jumping mechanics in the game are part of the illusions as well, in fact i hope so, because they were frustrating, to say the least. go ahead, play a couple levels, you'll see what i mean- especially upside down.
(ex: delayed jumping off edges of platforms, causing little guy to fall, landing with feet on the platform may actually cause the poor little guy to fall right through)
Yes, almost all games have faults, sadly this one has them in all the wrong places.
a 2 / 10 because i enjoy the colours. boring, typical, usual, tired "hallucenogenic" effects, poor platforming mechanics, and repetitive levels.