A animated card game called Hellebrities by StiK. This is version 2. I've removed some bugginess with the sound and added some extra scenes, plus a small film. Enjoy. There's lots to see.
u advertised ur self
its ok but sucks
When an idividual advertise themselves it's bad. When a corporation doe it, it's good. Right I think I've got it.
You could've done better
The animation is fine, but you could have worked more with the voices. Also, as said before, the lack of explanation on the cards kills the "game" - which is more an advertisement to a product you are selling than a proper game. It won't be a zero because the animations are nice and funny.
No thank you
This is just a shameless plug-in for a product. You don't even explain what the cards are for or why they have the same 5 actions. I guess that is why you promoted a website in the flash but since you didn't attract my attention I think I will stay here.