cliff burton
was the first bassit
Here it is my second quiz game. tell me what you think. I honestly think that it's way better than my icp one but thats for you to decide.
cliff burton
was the first bassit
No he wasn't Ron McGovney was the first bassist before they got really big.
its ok
but to make sure I tested out the old right click mouse button and play and forward options and your quiz is defeatable with a combo of those two otions so you may want to fix that so others don't exploit it.
Art could use improvement. Her nipples look flat. Anatomy isn't bad, but she could use some shading.
Also, it's spelled Congratulations.
And just F.Y.I.
Cliff Was Metallica's Second Bassist, not Jason.
Ron McGovney was their first Bassist, but he left after a dispute with Dave Mustaine, when Mustaine poured beer on his amp and electrocuted him.
Yeah you're right i forgot about that guy. All fixed now though!
Had to play
Im a sucker for metal trivia, only got two wrong. The year that Disturbed cd was released (because I hate disturbed) and where Static X hailed from. Wasn't really in it to see the cartoon chick haha, but I guess you could have made her a little more realistic? who knows, im sure someone will like it!