The game sports some major flaws.
First off, the color scheme is terrible. The green stripe in the rainbow is an ugly shade of puke and looks very similar to yellow. Both the yellow and green stripes also blend into the background, making it more difficult than it needs to be to tell if a sun has that color or not.
Second, while the game penalizes making bad moves, it does nothing to stop the player from passing up good moves. That's to say, it's much easier to play with only one sun, and just wait for unique colors, instead of managing four suns at once. Despite playing with one sun being a massively broken strategy (easy to manage, easy to score) the game does nothing to discourage it. Literally, the only obstacle to getting a high score is the player's patience. That does not a good game make.
Probably the only semi-good thing about this game is the choice in music. Otherwise, the concept is fundamentally flawed, and needs a complete overhaul to even stand a chance of being good.