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Eruption Disruption

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A volcano has erupted and its up to you to fly through the ash clouds and collect the missing research balloons! Avoid contact with the ash cloud as it affects engine performance and windscreen visibilty.

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good could be a lot better though.

It was actually very good, but it was dissapointing in some ways. Id recomend that you add more upgrades, i.e. health, guns, sheild etc. You should also have more obstacles like balls of fire and flying volcanic bombs (rocks shot from volcanoes), And a lot of stuff (like the volcano and the ash) was not animated and that kinda bugs me in a lot of games. The idea was cool, the art was amazing! and the programming was flawless, but the game variety was slightly lacking, maybe some sort of upgrade store whould be nice? You should make another better version, with more stuff in it.

I'ts not so original yet it is good.

Well its ok I guess the only thing that was kind of boring is that there where no powerups, items to buy from collected balloons after a level and its kind of short.
......but the idea is of this game is ok.

Credits & Info

3.19 / 5.00

Sep 8, 2010
12:44 PM EDT